Wednesday, October 28, 2009

fuck u because i'm feeling emo.

sigh i feel like i'm ten years older than my actual age, that is, 17. i feel so old, i feel like i am too stressed up with every aspects of life. I feel like people around me has become sadly, superficial. really superficial. i feel upset that i always tell people to follow their hearts, but i'm not doing what i believe in. I get lovesick easily. Even if you're there with me, I just can't be satisfied. I get paranoid, i get sensitive, and i'll start making a big deal out of everything. Why is it that some things just can't be explain with words? I hate bottling up my strongest emotions toward some matters.. but i have been doing it for years. I can't explain.. and when i can't express it to people around me, I express it to God. I can feel His guidance, but i don't get my answers. life is such a bitch. it's so hard to explain. why are human beings so mother fucking complex?

i know i can't take up a psychology course, because what i will be learning will definitely trigger some problems. back fire, and i go insane.. my brain is so small, why is it possible for it to think about everything in the universe?

i tell you, God is awesome when He creates us. but sadly, we're simple human beings. so i assume it's normal not to friggin understand everything, right?

i hate it when i feel like this. all i wanted was just to be carefree and happy.

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