Wednesday, October 21, 2009

BAK2SKOOL days bore me.

Holidays are over. It's amazing how 7 weeks pass so bloody fast? New semester, new beginning, new whatever. It was really nice to see familiar faces again... but thinking about the part when you're gonna expect a period when they're gonna drop a bomb of project deadlines, I am speechless and horrified, plus a mix of excited and not excited. Grr. Recently my life at home has been turn upside down because my mom updated my cash book finally. And she probably got a shock of her life... while i went through hell for the past 3 days. It's sad on the second day of school I actually fell asleep during database system lecture. I don't know it's because of the subject, or it's because of my lecturer- Imanishi. She's japanese and she's really nice, but her voice, and her articulation of speech....GG

lucky it's the first week, i can still let down my hair and slack a little so here i am writing these nonsense... 

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