Wednesday, October 28, 2009

fuck u because i'm feeling emo.

sigh i feel like i'm ten years older than my actual age, that is, 17. i feel so old, i feel like i am too stressed up with every aspects of life. I feel like people around me has become sadly, superficial. really superficial. i feel upset that i always tell people to follow their hearts, but i'm not doing what i believe in. I get lovesick easily. Even if you're there with me, I just can't be satisfied. I get paranoid, i get sensitive, and i'll start making a big deal out of everything. Why is it that some things just can't be explain with words? I hate bottling up my strongest emotions toward some matters.. but i have been doing it for years. I can't explain.. and when i can't express it to people around me, I express it to God. I can feel His guidance, but i don't get my answers. life is such a bitch. it's so hard to explain. why are human beings so mother fucking complex?

i know i can't take up a psychology course, because what i will be learning will definitely trigger some problems. back fire, and i go insane.. my brain is so small, why is it possible for it to think about everything in the universe?

i tell you, God is awesome when He creates us. but sadly, we're simple human beings. so i assume it's normal not to friggin understand everything, right?

i hate it when i feel like this. all i wanted was just to be carefree and happy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

my mom calls me shopping queen.

why isn't episode 7 of you're beautiful being uploaded? i waited 3 days already ): anyway, i like monday lessons. Although it's like 9-5, at least you know the longest day is over for the week! I can see myself totally isolating ebusiness management though. it's another bloody computer topic zzzz i have been questioning myself, should i or not transfer school/course?! I am sick of my school already, the people here, the whole environment is just not right. I can't see myself stay for three years know! zzz

whatever it is, i just too bored already i think.

Friday, October 23, 2009


It is extremely funny, sweet, heart wrenching, it pisses you off, and the next moment makes you smile like a retard it is awesome. even though i'm only at the 6 episode, i can assure you it's worth your time. I had two days off from school this week, like slack only. Found myself in NP these two days. Today i tried to learn pool. Sengyau did not charge any fees and he was being really patient and nice, but then he got annoyed when i refuse to change my position so too bad. I don't know how, I tried to hit a ball hard but it backfired as the stick hit my finger and now there's a fuckin huge blister and it hurts like @^&#@6@$&@# Had my bit of fun anyway, so shall not complain like a pussy anymore. 


WHAT THE SHINGZ ?!!?!?!??!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

BAK2SKOOL days bore me.

Holidays are over. It's amazing how 7 weeks pass so bloody fast? New semester, new beginning, new whatever. It was really nice to see familiar faces again... but thinking about the part when you're gonna expect a period when they're gonna drop a bomb of project deadlines, I am speechless and horrified, plus a mix of excited and not excited. Grr. Recently my life at home has been turn upside down because my mom updated my cash book finally. And she probably got a shock of her life... while i went through hell for the past 3 days. It's sad on the second day of school I actually fell asleep during database system lecture. I don't know it's because of the subject, or it's because of my lecturer- Imanishi. She's japanese and she's really nice, but her voice, and her articulation of speech....GG

lucky it's the first week, i can still let down my hair and slack a little so here i am writing these nonsense... 

Friday, October 16, 2009

shawty fire burning on the dance floor

DNTGFT(Do not thank god for thursday)
I caught (500) Days of Summer with Cheryl yesterday afternoon. It wasn't what i expected because i did not believe the commercial when it mentioned that it was not a love story. Nevertheless, it was interestingly realistic and awesome. I totally dig the soundtrack. So anyway, it was a short sort of reunion with Cheryl after her promos, because i had work. ikr, you can totally kill me. So anyway, work sped through the night unlike what i expected. I found myself playing with all the new Halloween stocks in the shop, I found myself upgrading my DJ Max levels, I found myself in love with reading, in love with Stephanie Meyer's classics again. I was sort of impressed with the speed i am reading through the book because i fucking finished 10 chapters a day. \m/ Or maybe her narrations totally impressed me. haha 

TGIF. I hit Borders today, found myself reading through the first chapter of The Lost Symbols unknowingly. WOW First time i finished a chapter of Dan Brown's books k. I never had the patience to since I tried reading Da Vinci Code. Anyway, I have this sick particular thing about books. I don't read a book with puny font sizes, and I will close the cover of any book without my preferred font. And i totally dig hard covers more than those ... soft? haha right enough about books. i feel like a bookworm now.

And yes i know, I should be born blonde. So you can legally call me bimbo.
Anyway, I can't wait for tomorrow because guess who's back?!

P.S ikr stands for i know right
so stop asking? kthnxbai

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For entertainment....

i miss you handsome....

Come back to me and make it one less lonely girl.

i hate it how he never fails to make melt me inside whenever he smiles, and he got so physical with the girl in the mv and i'm so jealous.... please vote on for him to come singapore thankyouverymuch \m/

via fuckyeahtattoos.tumblr


familiar? yes the script is the same as Gdragon's, 



i seriously do. i'm sick. i'm love sick.

I miss the taste of your lips.


I'm fucked up.

I hate how i'm wasting my last week of my holidays away. fuckkk billy come back we go out shop, eat, play, you're more than enough to make me happy....

grr, some people buy phone for what.... message so many times never reply....
call so many times never answerrrrrrr.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

day 3 and you never came online and you never on your phone and i'm dying.

i hate it how i have to remind myself time and time again that you're not here whenever i was about to dial your number on the phone as i needed to call and let you know everything that's happening to me....

i miss you baby although i know you're going to be in my arms in another 84 hours time...

Meet my new girlfriend, Miroslava Duma

Please, this is gorgeous only.
I love her complexion, her eyes, her smile, her casual tee, her zipper highwaist, her necklace, her hair, and her vintage chanel backpack....... i love her.
how can someone at 25, look so fucking young and beautiful, and yet is also the richest socialite woman in russia?

i swear, as compared to her, mlia
thankyouverymuch \m/

Monday, October 12, 2009

"I miss you bad, come back to my side now. "

via- eletheowl.tumblr

Momma's back to blogging.

Hello all, i apologise for the lack of updates. so anyway the past week had been the best week of my holiday i supposed. Chalet went awesome although it was not full attendance. I only remembered how bad i was at a beach volleyball game, how i love the sun that day because there was no sun = no more tan, how awesome my instax works during Han's birthday surprise, how we gossip over Pastamania, and how I got myself drunk. Wow, first time drunk. Barbara didn't like me drunk at all. It was an interesting experience, because now i understand why drunk people do things that they don't remember. I cannot imagine myself scolding CW over a comment he made, laughing at the tv, not being able to walk straight and having to bang walls -.- It was one nice experience though, just that i didn't like the part i felt nauseous and had to puke into the toilet bowl. I swear it stinked and it made me sober. Oh well, enough about me getting drunk. So all 3 days it was pretty fun, a pity our steamboat plan didn't worked. if not, i guess it would have been perfect. And then the next day we had Sakae buffet. It was the first time i ate so little as compared to other times when i ate a buffet alone with barbara. hahaha i am so -.- now that school is starting in a week's time = time to get serious in school's work. I'm so gonna get serious and get at least at 3.5 for my next GPA to come. If i don't, i swear you can slap me, and i mean it. I'm gonna be so sad because i'll be spending lesser time with one of my favourite clique in my life. ):

i have the most absurd urge now to transfer school and transfer course. i want to go to either NP or SP seriously.

and i have the most absurd urge to rob a bank because my bank account amount fuckin refuse to rise to a 3 digit. or maybe i am the one stopping it from rising. I NEED A RICH HUSBAND. Period.

k, enough about all these piled up updates, i will now update more frequent, cos mamma promise you that. bye


haha did i scare you with the large photos?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

i know, i know, this space is lacking of updates.

Hi. I haven't recovered from my flu and my cough and it's pissing me off. Because my flu has triggered a clogged ear and it has been 2 days. it's damn uncomfortable. According to the net, the best thing to do is wait till the flu subside, and then my ear will go back to normal. So anyway, i worked once this week, pretty fine to meet a new guy. He's really patient because i screwed up my settlement, again. -.- Saturday's a waste of time. ): i slacked at home, and only went to Borders because my momma insisted on buying the rest of the twilight series for me. And i actually wore my doc martens out?! It was just an hour or something, very sad because my boots were wet and muddy when i reached home -.- I hope tomorrow's a better day. I hope i can either get my navel pierced or my polariod tomorrow. I hate it that i'm so fickle-minded.

Grrrrrrrrr. k bye mwah