Thursday, September 24, 2009

My mood today was a thrilling roller coaster ride

well, i woke up with a smile and excitedly packed my things for swimming at Del's crib. The weather's was awesome though the sun was a little harsh after a while. I swam alone for about an hour and half, and backed out when the current at the deeper side was a little strong. And i was alone in the pool, i started thinking about the supernatural story i read on some magazine yesterday and freaked out. Barbara accompanied me and then Del, Gilbert and SY joined us later. It was funny how SY and Gilbert were acting like Naruto characters basically they were like 7 year old in the pool. Anyway had my share of fun and then something happened after our swim/ fun in pool.

It sucks to quarrel with Barbara, but i felt really bad so now i'm saying sorry for walking away without saying a word(because i was fucked up, i swear) And we were like two-lane main road(very far) apart because he didn't manage to catch up with me when i ran across the road just as the traffic light turned green. I ran away as far and fast as possible, but he was sweeeeeet really sweeeet enough to run, no sprint, after me. He caught up with me and screamed at me ): Apparently i screamed back, and we were at some quiet private property estate. Can you imagine how loud we were? God, and then we exchanged several harsh words and i "lost" to him because i laughed when he said something stupid and funny and then we were fine.

It was so dumb right? Barb i know you're reading this if you're still upset i'm sorry if not i'm sorry either. Love you 2 death.
P.S I had two rounds of dinner, wow fuck. all my effort of swimming/threading water gone down the drain!

AND I NEED TO COMPLAIN I AM FUCKIN TANNED NOW I LOOK LIKE AN INDIAN.( and this is not being racist, i did not made any comments about them, it is just a comparison so shut up if you wanna say i'm racist because i'm fuckin not ) It will take 6 months to grow back fairer as i was yesterday night. Shit. I don't understand, if they can have artificial sun tanning, why can't they have artificial grow fairer treatment without bleaching your skin? Sian. And my mom's very affected by how tanned i am now. -.- She casually mentioned that she forbids me from doing any under-sun activities anymore. ): The thing is i'm born with this non-chinese face with my non-chinese features, no matter how tanned or how fair i am i still look non-chinese right? And imagine if i looked chinese in the first place, and i'm as tanned as i am now, i still look chinese right? She doesn't understand!!! Sigh i hope she does find out about my blog and read this part. HAHA.

Anyway, is it just me or everyone else that after we had a swim after a strong sun, we naturally feel extremely exhausted? I need to buy goggles next time because too much water got into my eye today, now it's bloodshot red and it's damn dry and tired. I just feel like sleeping, but because i'm afraid i wake up too early tomorrow, i'll be tired during work. Oh man, after all i did enjoyed myself right? ^^

OKAY. This is another wordy post dui bu qi worr.
Look at my tired face and my after tanned face ):

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