Wednesday, September 30, 2009

my flu just can't stop huh?!

wow i stayed home the whole of today.i was so lazy i only bathed once (OMG) but i was in air conditioned room 24/7, i guess it doesn't really matter right? haha, i played piano, eat, played with my new boyfriend macbook, watched a bit of tv, eat again and now here i am. i just wasted 12 hours. wow. anyway, christopher kane x topshop is hitting stores tomorrow for invites only. i want to go, but no one can go with me. fuck. ):

30% off items some more just for tomorrow. MY BAG T.T
right. anyway something's not right with me. whenever it comes to night, i have the crazy craving for hokkien mee. ):

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lindsay flew back to LA.

She was actually in Singapore? WOW.

see, i told you mr. fever will visit me.

i can't believe i screw up my B minor harmonic scales today. i hope that the drowsiness caused by the medication was the reason. My teacher was sorta pissed i still can't get it right after 2 tries. So anyway, i thought i felt better but when night came, my head got heavier and yes mr fever visited me. wow. 38.3 degrees hot k.

right. shall sleep my day away again tomorrow.

Monday, September 28, 2009


i hate flu/running noses/coughing that hurts your chest/phlegm/headache/sore throat/aching everywhere. and i fucking can see fever coming once i wake up tomorrow morning. I hate it that i feel cold, but i sweat. I hate how i have to cough when i talk, and i don't even know where i got all this from. sigh.

i shall sleep and not complain.

I was the one who is supposed to be sleeping, but he doze off on me instead. ):

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I like to draw on myself. I draw every part of my body, especially like drawing my hip. I draw peace sign, nautical stars and things that are simple to draw. One day i wish i can get drawn on that will stay for life. If only that one day can come sooner. And i'm thinking about navel piercing.

"Life is never about the past, it's about what you do to make your own future" - Anonymous 

I have now more than 30 pairs of shoes, not including slippers btw.

My saturday kinda suck as you can tell from my previous post. My parents were upset with me for not practising piano again. It really pisses me off that they have to bloody force me to play because it will backfire as by doing so, i will lose passion. Don't they ever TRY to understand? Sigh. However dinner yesterday was awesome. I couldn't help but help myself with the hakka noodles that tasted like heaven k. I was bloated after dinner and I can imagine the pounds i'm gaining. Shit.

Today however was incredibly great. I went shopping again, and yes bought myself tops and another pair of shoe. FYI, i just bought one last saturday, and i'm buying a new pair again today. WOW. I bought 4 pair of shoes in a month. Beat that. Anyway i'm not proud of the rate i'm spending money on apparels/shoes k. I feel like a professional on money management is essential in my life. Sigh. So anyway, barbara accompanied me and we had fun shopping. A pity we didn't get to eat sakae's buffet because it's not available during weekends. Otherwise, it would have been perfect. ^^ Oh, i wore my doc martens out today, and now i realise i have 4 huge blisters. And when i bathe the pain was stinging it was insanely unbearable i had to scream at the showerhead. So no more ankle socks but soccer socks next time i'm wearing boots. Swear.

OH YES, I DID EXTENSIONS TODAY!! Four streaks only though. Two streaks of blonde strands and two streaks of red. I like the blonde one better i can see myself highlighting my hair blonde in the near future.( I know it looks damn yellow/gold here but it's not! )

kkkk, bye

Friday, September 25, 2009

cunt faces. stucked at home. FML


I got my pay today ^^

I am damn unlucky today. I woke up late at 10am, I left house earlier but still was 2 minutes late for work. FYI, my work starts at 12, and i left house at 10.20 k, still late. -.- I bought my brunch and spilled my upsized-coke even before i can enjoy a sip of it. I stepped on a glass and it pierced through my feet and bled non stop, I messed up settlement and blurred myself, I slept on the bus and drooled -.- I reached home and this b_ _gl_ _ banged into me and i almost died of the overwhelming smell.

Great, now nothing scares me. The worse one was the glass, it bloody hurt ):
Nevertheless, I got my pay and finally see one more zero digit in my account.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My mood today was a thrilling roller coaster ride

well, i woke up with a smile and excitedly packed my things for swimming at Del's crib. The weather's was awesome though the sun was a little harsh after a while. I swam alone for about an hour and half, and backed out when the current at the deeper side was a little strong. And i was alone in the pool, i started thinking about the supernatural story i read on some magazine yesterday and freaked out. Barbara accompanied me and then Del, Gilbert and SY joined us later. It was funny how SY and Gilbert were acting like Naruto characters basically they were like 7 year old in the pool. Anyway had my share of fun and then something happened after our swim/ fun in pool.

It sucks to quarrel with Barbara, but i felt really bad so now i'm saying sorry for walking away without saying a word(because i was fucked up, i swear) And we were like two-lane main road(very far) apart because he didn't manage to catch up with me when i ran across the road just as the traffic light turned green. I ran away as far and fast as possible, but he was sweeeeeet really sweeeet enough to run, no sprint, after me. He caught up with me and screamed at me ): Apparently i screamed back, and we were at some quiet private property estate. Can you imagine how loud we were? God, and then we exchanged several harsh words and i "lost" to him because i laughed when he said something stupid and funny and then we were fine.

It was so dumb right? Barb i know you're reading this if you're still upset i'm sorry if not i'm sorry either. Love you 2 death.
P.S I had two rounds of dinner, wow fuck. all my effort of swimming/threading water gone down the drain!

AND I NEED TO COMPLAIN I AM FUCKIN TANNED NOW I LOOK LIKE AN INDIAN.( and this is not being racist, i did not made any comments about them, it is just a comparison so shut up if you wanna say i'm racist because i'm fuckin not ) It will take 6 months to grow back fairer as i was yesterday night. Shit. I don't understand, if they can have artificial sun tanning, why can't they have artificial grow fairer treatment without bleaching your skin? Sian. And my mom's very affected by how tanned i am now. -.- She casually mentioned that she forbids me from doing any under-sun activities anymore. ): The thing is i'm born with this non-chinese face with my non-chinese features, no matter how tanned or how fair i am i still look non-chinese right? And imagine if i looked chinese in the first place, and i'm as tanned as i am now, i still look chinese right? She doesn't understand!!! Sigh i hope she does find out about my blog and read this part. HAHA.

Anyway, is it just me or everyone else that after we had a swim after a strong sun, we naturally feel extremely exhausted? I need to buy goggles next time because too much water got into my eye today, now it's bloodshot red and it's damn dry and tired. I just feel like sleeping, but because i'm afraid i wake up too early tomorrow, i'll be tired during work. Oh man, after all i did enjoyed myself right? ^^

OKAY. This is another wordy post dui bu qi worr.
Look at my tired face and my after tanned face ):

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

rustic living, i like.

wow, today is the first day of my new work at Tanglin Mall again. And i pretty much enjoyed it even though i had to stand like for 4 hours without sitting down. Still it wasn't tiring! Karen was really nice to us, so was Harry the rich kid with Isetan's privilege card. HAHA. ANYWAY, I don't know why, whenever i'm on the bus tuned in to my ipod, i tend to feel sleepy. And I never fail to take a short nap. BUT FOR TODAY. Something embarrassing happened. I actually lied on some random guy shoulder and he didn't wake me up. I don't know for how long i embarrassed myself, but i only woke up when i hit his collar bone. (or some other bones ) and totally reacted like a fool. I only said sorry twice and turn away and pretend as if nothing happened.(OMG)

Fortunately, he alighted after 2 stops or something. Wow, that has been a ride of my life.
And barbara don't be angry it wasn't on purpose right? ):

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Goodwood Park's Durian Mooncake imba

Wow, Aldo just bought home Goodwood Park's durian mooncakes and I'm impressed. I actually hated creative flavours and preferred original flavours but the durian-flavoured one was really good. The aftertaste is still lingering in my mouth, one 3 inch piece is not even enough. 

I want some more mummy ):

Monday, September 21, 2009

Jasmine is damn bored, thanks.

Hi, i am damn bored and it's a tuesday morning. My only plan for today is over. Wow at 1pm, today is done. I'm actually pretty happy with my new piano teacher( Marcus's Aunt ) because she cultivate my interest in piano, once again. Great, now i can see myself going through all the exams until i finally get my Grade 8 certificate. Anyway, back to the topic, I am damn bored. 

I don't know if i should go for training or not later on because now i have new injury k. My joints hurt when i pressure my legs. I don't know why, but I have a strong feeling that my bones are not in tip top condition. And my eyes too. It has been damn irritating for the past 2 days. I don't know if it's because of the new MAC mascara i am using. It is awesome! but sadly, it smudges like nobody's business. It got into my eye and at the point of time, there was this strong burning sensation and it hurt like fuck. Ever since, my eyes are easily irritated whenever a strand of hair touches it. How? Should i visit any specialists? For my spine and my eyes? That's so gonna cost a bomb. I hate it when my body's weak. So pathetic

ANYWAY, back to the topic again, I'm so bored. (wow! i'm so good at digressing)
So should i go for training? Or just simple dinner with barbara?
Or maybe my life's never interesting in the first place? haha..


Eyecandy for you?

Sorry baby but he's all over my desktop screeeeeeen.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

When will Christopher Kane for Topshop hit Singapore?

I just reviewed Christopher Kane for Topshop series and it's all so rockchic baby. I fell in love with the eyelet bag almost immediately i had my eyes on them. Wow, i heard CK for Topshop will only hit Singapore in late october? And the price definitely will be so steep. That eyelet bag will the forever stay a dream man. Sigh.

Weird family gatherings...

i am currently at my daddy's friend's family gathering. how awkward. and i'm hiding at one small corner using my macbook and my brother's starting to annoy me bad. I hate it when people approach me with questions like: Which JC are you in? And must all 17 years old attend JC only? Sigh, I am damn bored. I don't know why i feel so inferior because my daddy's friends family kids are all in elite schools like HCJC, RJC, RI, SCGS. I am damn sian lor. I feel so stupid.

Grr. And now they giving me pressure, making me play piano.

I love my weekends packed w activities.

My title says it all. However, my mommy grounded me from having dinner outside anymore. Sigh. Anyway, Saturday was fine although i felt like i wasted major time. I was late(again) for about an hour, so I met Delwyn at 2 and we had to ride a bus all the way to Harbourfront, which took almost an hour. Ajisen Ramen was awesome though, never enough of Volcano! After brunch, we went to Sentosa and then we realised that there was something wrong with the calculations and we had no NTUC card then so it was sort of a wasted trip. We got to meet Chen Han Wei though and his body is not as hot as we all thought, still he looks charming! A pity he like guys. Awwww. So after this wasted trip, we rode another bus to town and pretty much let time pass after... I got scolded badly when I reach home, because 1, i was late i reached home about 10, and 2, my parents found out how much i had left in my savings account. So i was grounded. GROUNDED. in the holidays. WOW.

TODAY however was so much more well spent with my babies Cheryl & Debbie. Flea Titan III wasn't as good as i expected, but i managed to dig some treasures. Envy Cheryl with her Topshop top and Debbie with her sandals. We were tired at the end of the day but at least we enjoyed right. Great, they're gonna have their promos and i'll be damn bored till after they mug like fuck.

I realise i have the need to type wordy posts. Kthnxbai

Friday, September 18, 2009

i pity her and her heart that can turn fragile.

what happens if, all these beautiful lies meet the ugly truth?
sighs, why is the world becoming so complex?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hi welcome back to my ever-boring world.

Hello guys, apparently i changed my url address. wow. anyway i've stopped blogging about a week or two and the topics i want to complain are piling up every single day. Ironic, but now i don't know what to say, or actually how to start.

Well, it's my holidays now and i'm pretty much wasting my time away. I worked for a week as a telemarketer(yes,again) and got dismissed after a week? "wow jasmine. impressed." anyway i earned enough to not starve for the next month. Still, I'll be hoping someone will call me from all the interviews i went for. i need an active income srzly. (to live up with the endless budget i keep to whenever i'm out)

I got the chance to go overseas but my mom chosed not to because first it's not safe for me to go alone, and second my giro not enough. I was dying of heart attack when my mother actually disagreed to letting me go Germany with school. Sighs. She said we were going for the sake of sightseeing more than enriching ourselves and it was not worth 2800 dollars to visit countries and not cities. I totally lol-ed at her reason. Did you? However, i actually felt like i died of a bullet in my head when my mother freakin disapproved me of going to Melbourne with Tiffany and her family. I was just depressed, seriously. My next trip's in november and it's just going to Indonesia for like 4 days or something. -.-

i feel very guilty but is it just me or everyone that feels lazy to go back for training during the holidays? Elle and I are always either busy with work or personal activities that we skipped a week and half of training already. Great. Worse thing is, i signed up for Asian All Schools, she didn't. Die. I SHALL/MUST go back for training on tuesday before the calories add up to like 10kg. FML

my mommy's been bitchy ever since my exams ended. when she's like in sweats, she keep nagging like non-stop, and when she's all dressed up, she'll pamper me and buy me everything i like. I hate it most when she has to use her 'rights' to force me to practise piano every single morning for at least half an hour. That made me lose my passion for piano like almost instantly. you don't force me into liking something or disliking something, because life doesn't work this way. SHE BLOODY NEED THIS REGISTERED IN HER BRAINS. FML.

I guess you've heard enough of my rants or actually i predict some of you skipped reading all the above but it's okay. i do that when i chanced upon others' wordy posts. Now i shall try my best to end it off the best way i can.

In another day's time it will be Sunday. It will be Hari Raya Puasa and it will be flea titans which i am frigggin excited for. Shopping after pay day, is that not awesome or what?!?! AND. I am going for manicures and pedicures with Cynthia right? AND. Time Traveller's Wife AND Inglorious Basterds AND many more.

Bye and Thanks. (the best way to end a post)