Wednesday, November 4, 2009

where are you now

is it me or is it everyone that's feeling the weather burn through your skin? I'm going insane of having to run after buses under the motherfuggin hot sun every day. And now i'm suffering from a major headache, hopefully it subsides in a while after a tablet of panadol. I don't know why ever since my mom offered to send me to the bus stop, I have been leaving house pretty late. Sigh, shall stop being a spoilt brat and leave house 1/2 hour earlier tomorrow! School's been a big bitch. I have to say i'm doing fine ONLY in MicroEcons. I am losing out in BA, SAS, EBiz and the best one DATABASE. I can't blame the lecturer, i just have to blame myself for not putting in the effort in reading on my own. So what your lecturer's boring right... Zzz. Today i went to collect my pay since i had free time. A little lesser than expected, oh wells, what can i do? Say bye bye to my navel piercing for now. Use it for better purposes like updating my closet right? Haha i wish. I have to pay off my heavy debts. To my mom, and my baby boy. Ugh. Hate it how i'm broke. I got my card confiscated anyway. I so deserve it. My mom is going crazy with the rate of me withdrawing at least 100 bucks from my bank every week, so she had to resort to this. And i'm not complaining because i totally understand that she was for once being reasonable. So anyway, met up with Barbara for some speed shopping in town. Entered Etude House for the first time and totally fell in love with the range of nail polishes they have(It's the same with other shops around i know, but HELLO? Does other shops have leeminho,jangganseuk etc to promote their stuffs?) I finally settled on a nude shade and totally dig it. like boomz only

Had favourite chicken rice in FEP and then left for home. Tired much? Afterall it's been a day of 5 hours of lab in school plus speed shopping right? Attacked by some ridiculous headache monsters and my head's spinning right round..

I think i'll sleep early tonight. why not take the chance when the weather for once is good? It's raining for god's sake.

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